Olivia Holly
Now over 600 pounds of sass and sweetness, Olivia Holly was pulled from the ground at a kill auction by another sanctuary at just days old. Her mother, brothers, and sisters were all sold for food. The sanctuary that saved her reached out to us to see if we could take her. She’s been at Love Always since she was nine days old and even used to sleep in our founder, Nickie's bed with her!
Here at Love Always, we think Miss Olivia is the cutest pig in the world and we're pretty sure she agrees!

Mr. Pig
On November 8th, 2018, a fire (later to be named The Woolsey Fire), wreaked havoc in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, burning almost 97 thousand acres, destroying over 1600 structures, killing three people, and prompting the evacuation of more the 295 thousand people.
During The Woolsey Fire, Mr. Pig was displaced and taken to a nearby shelter. When no one came for Mr. Pig he came to live at Love Always and has been here ever since.
Mr. Pig is a very distinguished gentleman who loves his quiet time but is almost always down for a scritch or two.

Karlan came to us after being picked up by Riverside Animal Shelter as a stray pig. When we met him, it was his final day, as he'd been tagged to be euthanized the next day.
We have no idea what kind of life Karlan had before us, but he really doesn't like people in his personal space and his anxiety levels skyrocket when people are too close to him. While we'd love nothing more than to show Karlan how amazing scritches and belly rubs can be, we respect him and his wishes and try to give him the space he wants as much as possible.
At the same time, we are working with him in very subtle ways to encourage the possibility of him someday being open to affection, even if it is with just a select person or two.

Princess Buttercup
Our beautiful Princess Buttercup obviously did not want to participate in class picture day, but she's the princess, so she can do what she wants. ;)
Buttercup was found several years ago roaming the streets of East LA. We initially thought she was pregnant becuase of her size, but learned she was just a big girl. ;)
Buttercup is on long-term pain medication, as her front legs are not formed correctly.
She is a sweet girl who will come to you for treats and love.

Charlie and his brother, Wilbur, were found as young piglets abandoned in an apartment after the renters moved out and left them behind.
Charlie has had two separate eye surgeries to help correct something called entropion. He is a sweet, shy boy who loves really soft belly rubs once he's warmed up to someone.

Wilbur and his brother, Charlie, were found as young piglets abandoned in an apartment after the renters moved out and left them behind.
Wilbur is the boss of the little pigs. He's not scared of anything, nor shy like his brother. He loves his belly rubs hard and will usually be the first pig to come say hi to you.
We really don't know much about Brian's life before Love Always. He came to us from the Downy Animal Shelter, in 2024, and quickly stole everyone's hearts. His personality is a hundred times bigger than he is and, if he had free rein of the place, he'd be known as King Brian. ;)
Brian's favorite day of the week is Saturday, when we are open to the public and he can get all the attention and love his little heart desires.
Brian will walk right up to anyone and all you have to do is hint that you're going to rub his belly for him to drop immediately! After that, meet your new best friend for life!

Egbert became a "foster fail" when his original humans moved out of the country and never returned. His foster family was happy to keep him, and gave him an amazing home for many years. Unfortunately, in 2024, their housing situation changed and they knew living on a small patio with no backyard wasn't fair to this amazing little being, so they reached out to us. His family still visits him regularly and is very much a part of his life, and we love that for him.
"Eggie" is very shy with people (something we're working on) and prefers to get his scritches from a back scratching tool rather than a human hand. He loves his daily PB & J sandwiches (it's how we give him his medication without him suspecting a thing ;)).
Egbert has a lot of medical issues, most likely from inbreeding (something very common in "mini" pigs since people are constantly trying to create the tiniest pig possible, because that's what sells). He has degenerative disc disease making it very easy for him to injure his back, his brain works a little differently and things about him are just "off." He will be on pain medication his entire life and will need frequent vet care above and beyond what our other pig residents require. Of course, none of that makes us love him any less and we are truly honored to be the place he now calls home.